Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Finally, we have some ripe tomatoes. It has taken forever considering I planted them early and they got so big so fast. Here are the first ones. The odd shaped one is Tula of Russia and delicious.

This is the Black Krim. Very juicy and sweet.

Here are my Tula of Russia Tomatoes on the vine. They are very large and heavy and finally beginning to ripen.

I picked this beauty this morning. I could not believe how juicy and sweet it was. I had it on a bagel simply topped with salt and pepper...yummmmmm!

I know now that for the growing season in 2013 I am sticking to the Tula of Russia and the Black Krim. I have planted the smaller grape tomatoes and they have not grown well and a yellow tomato which I do not see at all. I will not get as many as I hoped but it is the first time from seed. I think it will just get better and better as I learn what grows best. How were your tomatoes this year?


  1. These look so good.

  2. I wasn't terribly successful but it was so hot and I was so neglectful. I am going to install raised beds next year and take better care. We've gotten lots of roma tomatoes that I am freezing for sauce. We've been eating orange and yellow ones - heirloom but I don't know their names. Tasty but the skin is a little tough. My beefsteak are just ripening so they should be good. I haven't been lucky with my cherry and grape ones this year - usually they produce more than we can eat. There's always next year! J

  3. Wow!!
    I have serious tomato envy! ;)
    I can't wait to move somewehre with a little garden and grow lots of veggies!
